About GeoTechDigital Consulting
Software knowledge:
ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Online
Various ArcGIS Online applications such as:
- ArcGIS Insights
- Survey123 Online and Survey123 Connect
- Experience Builder
- Dashboards
- Enterprise Sites and Online Hub
- FieldMaps
- StoryMaps
- Instant Apps
Python scripting (including various geospatial, machine learning and data analysis modules)
Web Mapping (leaflet)
Website Creation
Power Automate
3D Modelling (Blender)
Postgresql and PostGIS
FME and FME Server
Google Earth Engine
I am a geospatial professional with expertise in:
Creating Python Scripts for data (including geospatial) analysis and remote sensing applications
3D Modelling using Blender
Geospatial analysis and map creation using commercial and open-source GIS software
Data cleaning, manipulation, transformation and storage
Building ArcGIS Online applications and dashboards
Using Leaflet to create web applications
Sectors I have completed projects on include:
- Various projects mapping farms and fields, buildings, assets etc, data documentation and database creation for asset management, land type classification for land valuation and environmental risk analysis.
Central & local government
- Trained individuals and teams on various softwares, primarily to use ArcGIS Applications, ArcGIS Online data security standards and best practice and map creation
Energy (generation & storage)
- Created various ArcGIS Online Sites pages for data and app hosting, as well as various apps and dashboards for worker management and groundworkers to use for various applications such as ecological surveys, risk management and safety protocols
- From given dimensions and specifications, designed BESS sites and transformer compounds within the provided boundaries in 2D using QGIS, exported as geojson and then hosted in a webmap for public engagement or sharing with the wider team.
- These concepts were also realistically recreated in 3D using Blender, specifically for public information days, but use cases could also include groundworks, terrain analysis, quantity surveying and virtual walkarounds.
- Worked on a live traffic mapping and management application for smart roads to reduce congestion and provide live video feeds in a dashboards across the UK’s road networks.
- Created an ArcGIS Online hub site and various surveys and applications for recording tree data, mapping forestry and symbolising using a variety of factors such as age, species and location.
- Produce site locations for planting new trees, based on land classification, slope and various other factors of interest.
Defence & emergency services
- Produced various python scripts and applications for cross-analysis, dashboarding, data filtering and pattern analysis.
- Created various maps, apps and dashboards for mapping pipelines and cables and created geospatially enabled surveys for mapping utilities and recording various information for point or line of interest.
Commercial industry
- Cleaned and analysed data and combined with various other datasets, specifically for best-location analysis, footfall patterns and suitability analysis, for instance, areas close to residential property with low flood risk, high footfall, good transport links and suitability land classification for building on.
Carbon management
- Created spreadsheets for recording carbon emission figures that were automatically standardised and converted to the current year’s Government carbon emission factors figures.
- Produced visualisations and statistics from the results using PowerBI to allow comparisons and patterns to be pulled from the data, easily showing where companies could reduce their carbon emissions.